Sunday, May 26, 2019

Study : In every California county, a Majority of Latino students were not proficient in math or English language arts.

We re-post this immigration style classic.Ed Source reports:
Latino youth in California make up a majority of the student population but face daunting obstacles in schools, including less access to quality preschools, honors classes and college counseling than their white peers, according to a report by Education Trust-West released this week.

The study, “The Majority Report: Supporting the Success of Latino Students in California,” found that in every California county, a majority of Latino students were not proficient in math or English language arts, based on Smarter Balanced test scores. By comparison, a majority of white students scored proficient in English language arts in more than 40 counties, and in math in more than 20 counties.
There's more:
Latino children make up 54 percent of the K-12 public school population in California, yet have lower graduation rates, lower test scores and more segregated schools than their white classmates in most parts of California, according to the report. Some of the counties with the largest achievement gaps are clustered in the Bay Area and around Los Angeles.
The struggles of Third World California. Here's the full report.