Thursday, February 07, 2019

Was Chicago Alderman Danny Solis Wearing on Wire on Alderman Proco Joe Moreno? Was This Federal Civil Suit A Taste of A Future Federal Criminal Indictment?

There's more questions than answers. Was wired up Chicago Zoning Chairman Alderman Danny Solis wearing a wire on Alderman Proco Joe Moreno ? Watch the video down below from CBS Chicago. Also, read the federal lawsuit filed against Proco Joe Moreno down below. Notice Alderman Danny Solis' name in the lawsuit? Alderman Solis was already wearing a wire for the FBI by this time.... In happier news, the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board just endorsed Alderman Moreno for another four more years. Is the FBI more interested in Chicago's Zoning Committee than you could imagine ?

Here's more details. Check out the lawsuit down below against Joe Moreno...

Complaint, 7.20/17 by on Scribd