Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Flashback 2016 When... The Number of federal workers making at least $100,000 topped half-million

Flashback 2016. ABC News reports:
With more than two million employees, the federal government is the nation's largest employer. And the number of those workers making more than $100,000 has topped half-a-million for the first time.

"IT analyst. specialist. Let's see here," said Felipe Gonzalez, as he scrolled through an online list of federal job postings. Gonzalez moved to the DC area eight years ago. In that time, he's had the same private sector job, which he likes. But he's always been enticed to work for the federal government.

"The scheduling. The money. The benefits," stated Gonzalez. "Holidays off. Who wouldn't want that job?"
The self-interest of the "public sector" can be very lucrative. Economist Murray Rothbard was right the state is a racket.