Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Blacks Denied In State Tuition From Out of State Denied Equal Protection Under The Law: The DREAMers Have More Rights Than Blacks In 2017

NCSL reports:
Twenty states offer in-state tuition to unauthorized immigrant students, 16 by state legislative action and four by state university systems. Sixteen state legislatures—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington—enacted laws to allow in-state tuition benefits for certain unauthorized immigrant students. These laws typically require attendance and graduation at state high schools, acceptance at a state college or university, and promising to apply for legal status as soon as eligible. At least four state university systems—the University of Hawaii Board of Regents, University of Michigan Board of Regents, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and Rhode Island’s Board of Governors for Higher Education—established policies to offer in-state tuition rates to unauthorized immigrant students.
Here's a nice lawsuit. African-Americans who are being charged out of state tuition are having their 14th Amendment rights violated. If illegals can have in state tuition why can't out of state blacks? It's as if the 1964 Civil Rights Act doesn't apply anymore.