Sunday, August 28, 2016

Do Citizens of Pinal County Arizonia Have to Follow ObamaCare Law If There's No Companies on the Exchanges? Question for Justice Robert and the IRS : can the federal government fine you for a product you are unable to buy because no one is offering it?

Politico reports:
An Arizona county is poised to become an Obamacare ghost town because no insurer wants to sell exchange plans there.

Aetna’s recent announcement that it would exit most of the states where it offers Obamacare plans leaves residents of Pinal County, Arizona, without any options to get subsidized health coverage next year, unless regulators scramble to find a carrier to fill the void between now and early October.

Will the ObamaCare penalty apply to residents in Pinal County if there's no company on the ObamaCare exchange? Do you have to pay an ObamaCare capital gains tax on your house in Pinal County if there's no ObamaCare insurance companies selling policies in your county ??? Did Justice Roberts, Barack Obama, and the IRS think about this??? Question for Justice Robert and the IRS : can the federal government fine you for a product you are unable to buy because no one is offering it?