Thursday, March 03, 2016

Liberal Establishment Hysteria From L.A. Times Editorial Board: Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States

The L.A. Times has an editorial attacking Donald Trump:
He is a racist and a bully, a demagogue. He has proposed killing the families of terrorists, a violation of international law so blatant that a former CIA director predicted that U.S. troops would refuse to carry out such an order.

He mocked a disabled person at a campaign rally. He has vowed to reinstate waterboarding and forms of torture that are “much worse.” He intends to seize and deport 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally. He would bar all Muslims from entering the country until further notice. He would “open up our libel laws” so that news organizations are punished for writing critical “hit” pieces. He wants to build a wall along the entire Mexican border, on the fantastical premise that he could force the Mexican government to pay for it. He has threatened to start trade wars with two of the country’s biggest trading partners, Mexico and China, by slapping on the kind of protectionist tariffs that U.S. leaders have been trying for decades to eliminate worldwide.
Donald Trump will not be getting the coveted L.A. Times editorial board endorsement that's so influential in Republican primaries. (We are kidding , for those of you who don't have a sense of humor.)