Saturday, July 25, 2015

Flashback: When Comrade Robert Kuttner Was Honored By The Democratic Socialists of America

He likes to hide behind the "liberal" label but, now and then his inner statist comes alive. Comrade Robert Kuttner was honored by the Boston Democratic Socialists of America. In 1998, the Democratic Socialists of America saw him as one of their own :
American Prospect is the journal of “liberal” intellectual politics, though half of the writers and one of the co-founders, Robert Kuttner, are socialists. This journal sees its mission as the reinvigoration of “liberalism,” betraying a clear disregard for liberalism’s expressed desire to accept death.
Comrade Kuttner also likes to spend his free time with the L.A. Democratic Socialists of America. When a liberal calls someone an extremist because they aren't for Obamacare or free babysitters via taxpayers: just remember who's calling who an extremist.