Saturday, May 30, 2015

S&P 500 Could Hit 4,300 Within Nine Years. Raymond James’ veteran chief investment strategist, Jeffrey Saut, expects a secular bull market

Barron's has an interview with Jeffrey Saut:
What’s your outlook for stocks?

We are in a secular bull market—secular meaning multiyear, if not multidecade. There aren’t that many of us left that actually experienced the overall 1982-to-2000 secular bull market. So I have seen this play before, and secular bull markets tend to last somewhere around 14 or 15 years. And they tend to compound at a double-digit rate. So, if we are six years into this bull market, it figures there is probably another eight or nine years left. If you compound forward at double digits, you come up with 4300 for a price objective on the S&P 500 some time in 2023 or 2024. I have remained bullish since early March of 2009, when I went on TV and said the bottoming that started the previous October was complete and that we were all-in for stocks, and we have been pretty bullish ever since. There are corrections along the way, and I have told people on occasion to raise cash.
An interview worth your time.