Friday, April 10, 2015

Too Soon to Go Full Totalitarian

Erick Erickson reports:
The gay rights movement has tended to be a well-choreographed stage production over the last number of decades. Over time, behind the scenes, they pushed hard for gay characters in film and television. They pushed gay actors out of the closet and encouraged celebrations of diversity.

A population that, according to the census, makes up less than 10 percent of the nation, gives the impression that it represents at least a quarter of the population. Many Americans are surprised by how few gay Americans there actually are. To its credit, the gay rights movement has worked hard to shift culture and opinion. The growth of acceptance of gay marriage is one of those areas.
There's more:
In the New York Times, liberal columnist Frank Bruni insists that Christians must be "made" to change their church doctrines on sexual immorality, doctrines that are 2,000 years old. Bruni actually quoted a gay rights advocate that "church leaders must be made to take homosexuality off their sin list." Bruni called this "worthy" and "warranted."
"Must be made".