Monday, January 26, 2015

Build Yourself Up To Live Longer
: 5 easy steps to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance

Dr. Victor Marchione reports:
There are easy steps to improve your flexibility and balancing. Taking some time out of your day to stretch will help with flexibility.

Start by attempting to touch your toes. If you can’t, reach as far as you can, and hold the stretch for at least 20 seconds. Slowly, you will be able to go further until you can get right down to your toes.

Other good stretches to try are reaching your arms across your body or over and back from your head. But remember, anything less than 20 seconds in position and you won’t target the muscles to loosen up and get a full stretch.

For balance, start with trying to stand on one foot at a time. A good practice is beginning with 10 seconds per leg and increasing the duration over time.

To build strength, it’s best to start with a squat which is essentially being in a seated position without actually sitting down. For beginners, practice hovering over a chair in case you lose balance or need a break. The stronger your legs get, the less likely you’ll need the chair underneath you. Also, as you become stronger, you can hold this position for much longer.

To improve strength in your arms, try some simple exercises with light weights. In a standing position, hold the weights facing forward and curl your arms up so you are bringing the weights up to your chest. Repeat an up-and-down motion five times, then take a break until your next set. Once again, the more times you practice this, the more you can increase the weight.
An article well worth your time.