Sunday, October 19, 2014

New York Times Editorial Calls For The End of Markets in Interest Rates- A Rate Cap for All Consumer Loans

The New York Times editorial makes history. It's calling for the end of capital markets as we know them:
The Obama administration has proposed much-needed improvements in federal rules that are supposed to protect service members from predatory loans that trap them in debt and, in certain circumstances, can end their military careers. The changes would repair glaring weaknesses in the rules used to carry out the Military Lending Act of 2007. But the administration and Congress should not stop there. Millions of civilians are also exposed to ruinously priced loans. What is needed is a national consumer lending standard — and interest rate cap — to ensure fair credit in the country as a whole.
The New York Times channels its' inner Mikhail Suslov. I guess when you use politicians to steal the land through eminent domain for your new headquarters : you probably wouldn't like a free market in anything. No word yet on whether the moron wrote the unsigned NYT editorial has ever taken a class in economics.