Monday, September 01, 2014

Here’s Why Parents Should Worry About American Education

Wall St. Cheat Sheet reports:
Out of thirty-four OECD countries, the United States ranks near the very bottom in mathematics, in twenty-seventh place. The report notes hat this is a best estimate and America’s rank may be anywhere between twenty-third and twenty-ninth place. Reading and Science scores were close to average, somewhere between fourteenth and twentieth place for reading, and between seventeenth and twenty-fifth place for science, but with no real change or improvement shown in these scores. One rather telling result shows Shanghai, China’s best math scores two years ahead of students in Massachusetts, a U.S. state with high comparative math scores. What Can We Do?

“While the U.S. spends more per student than most countries, this does not translate into better performance. For example, the Slovak Republic, which spends around $53,000 per student, performs at the same level as the United States, which spends over $115,000 per student,” stated PISA’s report.

An indictment of the John Dewey sausage mindset in America.