Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Aussie Carbon Tax Repeal Discourages Cap-And-Traders Across The Planet

The Daily Caller reports:
Australia’s repeal of its carbon tax last week has gotten other countries thinking about ditching their own carbon dioxide emissions reduction schemes.

On the heels of the Aussie carbon tax defeat, South Korea’s finance minister, Choi Kyung-hwan, called his country’s planned cap-and-trade system “flawed in many ways,” and hinted that he would pressure the government to delay the plan until 2015.

Businesses say the cap-and-trade system could cost them up to $28.9 billion in three years unless the program is delayed until 2020.

Reuters reports that South Korea’s emissions trading program has already been delayed twice since 2013. The system would have capped emissions from 400 top emitters in the country, potentially making it the world’s second-largest cap-and-trade system.

Green energy is a complete and total fraud.