Thursday, May 01, 2014

'In Sickness and In Health' Isn't in the Cards for Many Women

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports:
The marital vows to stay true "in sickness and in health" seem to apply more to wives than husbands when one of the spouses becomes seriously ill, according to novel new research.

Social scientists found that the risk of divorce among older married heterosexual couples rises when the wife, but not the husband, experiences a health crisis such as cancer, heart problems, lung disease or stroke.

"When the wives became ill, about 50 percent of the marriages ended in divorce," said study author Amelia Karraker, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. "We have strong prior [evidence] that there would be a gendered component to this, that it would be more likely that a wife's illness would be more strongly associated with divorce than a husband's. But it's encouraging to see it borne out in data."

Another anti-male study in all its' glory.