Sunday, May 11, 2014

Illinois Gets Permission From Feds to Adopt Separate But Equal Doctrine In Illinois Public Schools: State gets permission from the feds to ditch No Child Left Behind rules concerning minorities

Plessy v. Ferguson is back! The Democrat party found a way . Here is the front page headline story of the Sunday Chicago Tribune :
Under a dramatic new approach to rating public schools, Illinois students of different backgrounds no longer will be held to the same standards — with Latinos and blacks, low-income children and other groups having lower targets than whites for passing state exams, the Tribune has found.

In reading, for example, 85 percent of white third- through eighth-grade students statewide will be expected to pass state tests by 2019, compared with about 73 percent for Latinos and 70 percent for black students, an analysis of state and federal records shows.

The concept is part of a fundamental and, according to critics, troubling shift in how public schools and students will be judged after the federal government recently allowed Illinois to abandon unpopular requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

A key NCLB measure long considered unreachable — that 100 percent of students must pass state exams — will be eliminated.

But the complex new approach of different standards for different groups is troubling to civil rights activists, who are not convinced that school districts will be held accountable for failing to educate minority students, and to some local educators, who say the lowered expectations will send a negative message to students.
Because Arne Duncan , Barack Obama, and modern day "progressives" really believe people with brown skin aren't as bright as white folk! No word yet on when Illinois Democrats will stage a Klan style rally in honor of "separate but equal" in downtown Chicago. For a look at how many powerful American progressives feel about brown people click on this link.Just a reminder to Democrat party members ,since Strongman Barack Obama is "waiving" a federal law: what would prevent a future President from "waiving" ObamaCare???