Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rahm Emanuel Dodges Question on Charter Schools By Insulting MSNBC's Chuck Todd

TPM reports:

Things got a little testy between Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) and MSNBC's Chuck Todd during an interview on Thursday.

At one point, while Todd was asking Emanuel about charter schools, the MSNBC host asked if public schools would one day all be application-based.

"Is this where public school is going, everything application-based? You have to apply to whatever school you want to go to?" Todd asked.

Emanuel replied "No. You know, Chuck, I'm going to get you a one-way ticket out of Washington. You need to get out of the thin air. It's affecting your brain."

"Wow," Todd responded.
As you can guess, strongman Rahm Emanuel isn't used of answering real questions. He's a little rusty.