Monday, May 16, 2011

Unbeknownst to the Media, Tony Rezko May Have Had Financial Ties to Barack Obama

The Chicago Daily Observer reports:
We find some interesting details regarding that “cooperation” in a deposition given by Frawley earlier this year.

Weaver, Frawley alleges, advised him on at least one occasion, on March 13, 2006, not to cooperate with the government, namely the FBI. In a separate allegation, Frawley says Weaver told him to withhold information from the FBI.

Frawley relates the latter occurred during a telephone conversation with Tony Rezko regarding keeping a planned luncheon date while Frawley was in a meeting with the FBI at the Federal Building in Chicago. FBI agents were present when Weaver came into the room and told Frawley to cut off the conversation.

The purpose of the meeting was for Frawley to record his luncheon conversation with Rezko.

Frawley also confirmed in the deposition that the information he was to obtain was “about the payments made by Rezko to Obama.”
Does Barack Obama know Mr. Frawley?