Friday, October 08, 2010

Teachers union gets a pass on ObamaCare rule

The New York Post reports:
The United Federation of Teachers -- one of President Obama's key political backers -- is the biggest beneficiary of a White House sweetheart deal that will exempt certain outfits from complying with new health-care rules, officials revealed yesterday.

The quietly approved federal waivers for 30 companies, health insurers, unions and other groups across the country means the UFT doesn't have to gradually phase out caps on annual health coverage like everyone else.

The UFT was concerned that could have been a major financial hit on the union.

The one-year waiver, approved last month by the Department of Health and Human Services, covers all 351,000 members of the UFT's welfare fund, which provides health care and other benefits.

Equal protection under the law doesn't apply to big , Obama campaign contributors.