Thursday, October 07, 2010

Bill Clinton Supports Buying Health Insurance Across State Lines

Here's the transcript from MSNBC from Chris Matthews' interview with Bill Clinton concerning health insurance:
MATTHEWS: Do you think facts like this will turn hearts in this environment today?

CLINTON: Well, first of all, people‘s hearts are pretty hard, but their ears are not closed yet. I think that people‘s hearts are moved when their lives are changed. And this, you know—and I‘m not saying—those things are self-serving for me as a Democrat, what I say, but they are accurate facts. And I think that, you know, the Republicans—I‘ll give you an example of a Republican accurate fact. We have—they‘ve said—one thing I‘ve always agreed with them on is that adults who are compos mentis ought to be able to buy health insurance policies across state lines.

Now, what‘s the argument against that? New York, where I live, requires a lot of things to be on health insurance policies, and I agree with them all. But suppose you live in New York and you have a modest income and you have two kids and you want them to have some kind of insurance, and you could buy an insurance policy in Iowa that you think would meet the basic needs of your family. I think you ought to be able to do that.
Go to the 2:20 marker in the video: