Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NYC, state pay $540M in Medicaid Fraud Case: Largest Ever

UPI reports:
New York state and New York City agreed to pay a record $540 million to settle allegations they filed false Medicaid claims, the U.S. Justice Department said.

State and local officials allegedly submitted claims for reimbursement for school-based healthcare services provided to Medicaid-eligible children from 1990 to 2001, the Justice Department said Tuesday in a news release.

The settlement is a record federal recovery for the Medicaid program, Justice Department officials said.
You know that's more money than the single payer advocates claim the insurance industry "wastes" on marketing. There should be no surprise here: government agencies are monopolies ripe with fraud. Obamacare will be the Chicago Way on a grand scale. For more on this subject of New York Medicaid fraud, check out this New York Times article.