Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chicago Democratic Machine Vote Fraud Allegations Make Book By High Ranking Official

Fox Chicago reports on Jim Laski's book:
In a frank exchange about the inner working of the Chicago machine, Laski explained how elections were manipulated.

Mark Suppelsa: "So you guys would not only forge signatures, but you'd even take a look at absentee ballots."

Jim Laski: "Yeah."

Mark Suppelsa: "Would you guys cut and paste too if it wasn't the right...?"

Jim Laski: "Yeah chads were pasted."

Mark Suppelsa: "If it wasn't the right guy, you'd move it to the right..."

Jim Laski: "Sure."

Mark Suppelsa: "Really."

Mark Suppelsa: "The Chicago way."

Jim Laski: "The Chicago way."
Maybe international observers could monitor Chicago's elections.No word yet from those who say vote fraud is overblown.