Wednesday, March 26, 2014

NYC has country’s most segregated public schools: report

The New York Post reports:
New York state has the most segregated public schools in the nation, and New York City is one of the most segregated school districts in the country, UCLA researchers said in a report Wednesday.

Nearly 30 percent of the state’s public schools had minority enrollments of 90 percent or more, even though 51 percent of the state’s students were white in the 2010-2011 school year covered by the report.

“In the 30 years I have been researching schools, New York state has consistently been one of the most segregated states in the nation — no Southern state comes close to New York,” said UCLA Civil Rights Project co-director Gary Orfield.

“Decades of reforms ignoring this issue produced strategies that have not succeeded in making segregated schools equal,” he said.

Illinois, Michigan, Maryland and New Jersey followed New York on the most-segregated school list.
So progressive: so segregated. Just a reminder the next time talks about how the South is bigoted .